For my second speech I selected a topic near and dear to my heart, music. Music is truly a universal language and brings diverse people together. A familiar melody inspiresunderstanding immediately.
In my Ice Breaker I shared that I really liked funk music.Subsequently, I built upon that fact about myself by revealing that I considered James Brown to be the father and king of funk music. In the speech I gave homage to James Brown because his song, “Get up Offa Dat Thang,” helped me through a difficult time. One of my goals in the speech was to explain to the audience how transformative I believe music to be by sharing with them how the song lifted me from tears into dancing and joy; although, I could not express it to my satisfaction. Fundamentally, my premise is that music is transforming, liberating, energizing, soothing, and so much more which is exactly why I chose to center my second speech around it.
The old adage that “practice makes perfect” gains validation with every speech; however, the real key to improvement is honest feedback. Toastmasters provides an opportunity for each speech to be evaluated and receive instant feedback about seven basic areas of speaking: clarity, vocal variety, eye contact, gestures, audience awareness, comfort level and interest.Evaluators give members and guests dignity and respect when verbalizing and writing evaluations while still being honest with criticisms and observations. My evaluators commented that I looked up at the ceiling while speaking. I was not cognizant of it and would not have been able to work on improving this issue without their feedback. In addition, they suggested that I work on my vocal variety. Vocal variety conveys emotion by the speaker’s use of tone, speed and volume. It still takes effort for me to allow my emotions to show while speaking, or truly open up when telling a personal story, but my capacity is growing steadily.
The second speech and accompanying online project provides a learning opportunity to give and receive helpful feedback. The project consists of giving a speech, getting feedback on it, then applying the feedback by giving another speech or the same one again. Also, the learner evaluates a speech given by someone else. Toastmasters offers the tools to do a proper and effective evaluation. All elements of speaking can be improved through this process. I have certainly observed that everyone engaged in the club experience has improved their speaking abilities.
Finally, I hope that you were reminded of how music canbrighten your day or help you through difficulty even if you are not a James Brown fan. Music can teach us with powerful messages. It taught me the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution by way of School House Rock. No matter the notes, or key of the music, it can change the atmosphere. I hope that by delving into my passion for music I delivered an uplifting moment. Now, share your experience with discussing your passion or hobby that you enjoy with others in the comment space below. Happy speaking everyone!